Beyond Root Cause Healing

GNM + ISI = Using biological laws & somatic inquiry to heal psycho-somatic dis-ease.

Enrollment currently closed, next round opens in January 2025!

The Circle: Beyond Root Cause Healing

The circle is the method, GNM is the map,Ā real results healing root cause "dis-ease" (mentally/physically) is the outcome.

First, here are the results of some of my clients.

When you heal the unconscious root the body and psyche heal quickly. This program does not promise you results. However, those that show up and commit have radically healed and resolved on many levels.

"And thank you... it really is unreal. It sounds so simple to say out loud, 'I am no longer ruminating. I cannot connect with the need to hunt for survival.' But oh my god, the amount of my life I spent on it! Years! Most of my life!! And then to feel it leave... To feel it gone... I mean itā€™s still landing honestly. Thank you, again."

"After our inquiry session my guts started grumbling so loud others around me could hear it! I then had my first solid bowel movement in over a month! Over the next couple of days the pain dissipated and I could eat almost all the foods the doctors said I was allergic too and that were the cause of my IBS and my bowel movements became regular and my IBS symptoms disappeared."

"Miracles indeed!!! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆāœØāœØāœØ My heart is bursting with love and gratitude for you that is willing to be the conduit that sparks these changes in perception. And the way Iā€™m experiencing life has literally shifted. Iā€™m experiencing the ripple effect. In a 0-10 scale, my bodyā€™s physical pain has gone from an 8 to a 4.šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°"

"I had really crazy dreams last night, including dreams at both my childhood homes. In both my parents were back together and there was childlike joy and playfulness to them. There was so much significant stuff that happened in them, which was rare. It felt like a huge restoration was happening. Lots of tears today in my session. My symptoms from today with my systems are significantly less than they have been in a week. šŸ™"

"God I could just feel the weight lift off of me in that session. Wowowowww. Brandon seriously that was šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡ my shoulders feel better. I wonder how they will feel tomorrow morning ā¤ļø"

"Thank you for asking! Yes, Iā€™m comfortable with you sharing the recording with a handful of trusted colleagues! I want more people to experience what I experienced ā€” and your process unlocked resolution for me in a really new & empowering way. Iā€™ve been totally pain free since our conversation, also! šŸ™Œ"

Not to mention my own journey...

The picture on the left I had an activeĀ KCTĀ (kidneys) program (abandonment) on. As well aĀ separationĀ conflictĀ (skin and short-term memory), overwhelm (heart),Ā insomniaĀ (conflict active),Ā self devaluationĀ (fatigue), andĀ indigestible morselĀ (constipation/diarrhea). All are now either resolved or in an active healing phase.

I'm Brandon Bozarth & I have been practicing somatic inquiry for 8 years.

I've worked with over a 1,000 clients & recently (about two years ago) discovered GNM/GHK (German New Medicine) and it's taken my practice and my clients results to a whole new level. This will be the new industry standard for practitioners, coaches, and healers and will completely shift the industry and what's considered possible & you have found it in it's infancy...

Who Is This Program For?

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner looking to expand your toolkit or an individual passionate about understanding the profound connections between mind, body, and health, this program offers valuable insights. It's an ideal fit for those eager to be part of a self-healing, empowered community focused on GNM and inquiry-driven practices.

GNM shows usĀ 99% of 'disease' begins in the psyche, then effects the brain then lastly the organ...

Therefore to heal you must understand what the body (subconscious mind) is saying (symptoms) and how to change perception/identity at the deepest level's (unconscious mind). My process of resolution (the circle) is not like traditional GNM'ers, it's more radical and more effective IMO. It's not just about resolution, it's about freedom. It's about seeing yourĀ DISEASEĀ is a window to your soulsĀ DESTINY. The next page will have an overview about what makes my approach different and the overall curriculum you will experience if you choose to enter the circle...

I break it all down in this video...

If you are interested, please watch all the way through to ensure The Circle is right for you.

12 weeks, 9 sessions, 20 spots, 10+ case studies...

This is aĀ level oneĀ training on GNM + ISI as a means to resolution and as an entry point to completley dissolve all dependency on anything outside of yourself for your healing and/or for your clients.Ā This is the beginning of a new wave of practitioners and self healers...

For more complex phsyical cases we have former nurse and GNM practitioner of 4 years Ashlee Newberry

Ashlee has worked with 100's of clients resolving various forms of 'disease', conflicts, and symptoms. SheĀ understands when Western Medicine is necessary and the nuanced approach to resolving biological conflicts in a safe way.

We begin SaturdayĀ SeptemberĀ 7th

Calls will begin at 11am CT on zoom.Ā We will gather in a private membership group.Ā PractitionersĀ will have a chance to get feedback on their clients cases from me and the group. All calls will beĀ recordedĀ if you miss. You will have immediate access to the first round of TheĀ Circle content which includes 9 lectures and live inquiry work with Brandon and the members. You'll also have access toĀ 10+ pre-recorded client sessionsĀ where you can watch live resolution happen. AllĀ searchable by what conflictsĀ the individual was experiencing.Ā If you are a practitioner you will also receive Brandon's training on how he works with clients from start to finish for those wanting to incorporate GNM and Inquiry into their practice.Ā 

Enter the circle conflict active, leave the circle in a healing.

For $1,000 dollars off early bird pricing and to get a free session with Brandon (if you are one of the first 5 to join) then click below

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